Recent Enhancements

Recent Enhancements


DFDr Measure that provides the total number and percentage of DFDr grades
Changed ranges for Credit Cumulative Band from "90 - 120" to "90 – 119" and  "Over 120" to "120 or more"
Created an Enrollment Management Dashboard
Added a cohort Leap Indicator
Added student email to degree details on the Degrees report
Added Admit Type to Student Term Comparatives and create Coll Chall Reg Comparative report
Added dimension for faculty college/dept
Added Term name slicer on Academic Chair Trends Enrollment & Degrees
Added Faculty FTE Exclusion for Provost Exceptions
Added internships as part of the Co-curricular dashboard
Removed Confirmed counts from Admissions reports
Modified High School GPA Range 
Updated Concentration reports to remove primary curriculum and UG level restrictions
Transitioned University Faculty FTE, SCH and S/F Ratio from ARGOS/Excel to Blue Reports 
Updated term slicer in Academic Deans Distance Funnel report to use Current Adm Reporting Term and Last 4 Adm Reporting Years by Term

Created Academic Department Chair dashboard pages using new minor and concentration reports.

Revised Participation Data/Report
Added Student Origin as dicing option for Enrollment Analytics Registration Comparatives & Student Term Comparatives
Changed Student Type slicer on Academic Deans Point-in-Time Comparatives Undergraduate Admissions dashboard page to be a multi-select
Added Fall/Spring retention graduation for 21st century scholars and minorities

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