Ray Buechler
Linda Ferguson
For cohort tracking; percentage of students in cohort who were enrolled at census for Fall 2
For cohort tracking; percentage of students in cohort who graduated within 4 years (grad date prior to Fall 5)
For cohort tracking; percentage of students in cohort who graduated within 6 years (grad date prior to Fall 7)
For success rates; whether the student was offered a 21st Century Scholarship for their entry term
Fall, Spring, Summer
Percentage of admits who did not enroll at ISU who enrolled at another institution (Adm Not Enr Enrolled Elsewhere/Adm Not Enrolled Count)
Percentage of admitted students who enrolled
Percentage of admitted students who have confirmed their enrollment by submitting enrollment deposit or obtaining waiver
Percentage of applicants who were admitted
Percentage of applicants who have completed all application requirements per the BANNER requirements checklist
Identifies a student as being in good academic standing (cum GPA 2.0 or above) on academic probation (GPA lower than 2.0), or academic dismissal.
Highest ACT Composite score - ACT Composite band grouping is < 21, 22-24, 25-27, 28-31, 32-36; Alternate ACT Composite band grouping is <6, 6-11, 12-17, 18-23, 24-29, 30-36; ACT Composite Band is individual scores
Highest ACT English score - ACT English band grouping is < 21, 22-24, 25-27, 28-31, 32-36; Alternate ACT English band grouping is <6, 6-11, 12-17, 18-23, 24-29, 30-36; ACT English Band is individual scores
Highest ACT Math score - ACT Math band grouping is < 21, 22-24, 25-27, 28-31, 32-36; Alternate Math Composite band grouping is <6, 6-11, 12-17, 18-23, 24-29, 30-36; ACT Math Band is individual scores
Highest ACT Reading score - ACT Reading band grouping is < 21, 22-24, 25-27, 28-31, 32-36; Alternate ACT Reading band grouping is <6, 6-11, 12-17, 18-23, 24-29, 30-36; ACT Reading Band is individual scores
Highest ACT Science score - ACT Science band grouping is < 21, 22-24, 25-27, 28-31, 32-36; Alternate ACT Science band grouping is <6, 6-11, 12-17, 18-23, 24-29, 30-36; ACT Science Band is individual scores
Highest ACT Writing score - ACT Writing band grouping is < 21, 22-24, 25-27, 28-31, 32-36; Alternate ACT Writing band grouping is <6, 6-11, 12-17, 18-23, 24-29, 30-36; ACT Writing Band is individual scores
For registration comparatives, credit hour total for students enrolled at the given point in time
For registration comparatives, students enrolled at the given point in time
Activity (within Activity Category or Activity hierarchy) reflects NCAA sport
Number of admitted students who were not enrolled at ISU at Census (Admit count minus Enrolled Census)
Number of admitted students who were not enrolled at ISU at Census who enrolled at another institution
For undergraduate admissions, the Fall Adm Reporting season includes both summer and fall applicants/admits
Fall term includes those admitted in preceding Summer terms
Percentage of admitted students who have enrolled
Number of applicants admitted (includes those admitted who subsequently cancel their admission (UG) or reject the admission offer (GR))
Percentage of admitted students who have enrolled
More specific categorization of admitted student type (for example‐ Freshman International, Returning Transfer, Entering with Master’s Degree, etc)
Use Advisor to select the student's primary advisor
Age Band Level groups as Under 18, 18-19, 20-21, 22-24, 25-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-64, 65 and Over; Age Band reflects individual ages
Students are included in the attempted count if the course is on the student’s transcript in academic history. If the course was dropped or the student withdrew during the “no grade” timeframe, the student is not included in the attempted count
Total number of applicants
Date student submitted an application for admission
Decision status: accepted (provisional, probationary) rejected, incomplete
Measures whether student’s decision is incomplete, complete, decision made regarding intent to enroll at the university
In the Admissions Comparatives reflect date used for Current, 1 year prior, etc
Athletics Indicator Groups are Athlete or Never an Athlete; Athletics Indicator reflects Athlete this term or Previously an Athlete for those who have ever been athletes
Students are included in the attempted count if the course is on the student’s transcript in academic history. If the course was dropped or the student withdrew during the “no grade” timeframe, the student is not included in the attempted count
Student Attributes from general student record or admission record. Some are not set until after enrollment or during the semester. Attributes cannot be diced to from point-in-time/daily admissions comparatives.
Total credits attempted divided by enrolled students
Total credits earned divided by enrolled students
Total credits enrolled divided by enrolled students
Average salary reported by recent graduates via first destination survey
Average cumulative GPA
Average GPA relative to a given term
Average grade earned across all sections of a course
Indicates the average high school GPA earned relative to total students
Percentile rank of the student's HS GPA is the percentage of students with lower HS GPAs
Combined SAT Math and SAT Verbal
Time to degree: Based on start term as a degree-seeking student for undergrads; based on start term for program for graduate students
Campus (Main or Correspondence/Extended services)
As of the end of the 5th day of Fall/Spring - Official Reports snapshot
Citizenship Status\Citizenship categories are Citizen, Non-Citizen or Permanent Resident; US Citizenship categories are US Citizen and Non US Citizen
All graduate level students are classified as Graduate; For undergraduates, class is based on the number of earned credit hours at beginning of term: Freshmen (0‐29.99), Sophomore (30‐59.99), Junior (60‐89.99), Senior (90 or more)
Activities, programs and learning experiences that are outside of the regular curriculum
Identifies student as First-time Freshman (FTFR) or First-time Transfer (FTTR) and is tied to Start Term in Retention/Graduation rate reporting
for entering cohorts; college, department and major are in a hierarchy based on the student’s initial major (at 5-day of their entry term). For all cohort-based reports, use Cohort College (in Cohort Major dimension) or Cohort Latest College (in Cohort Latest Major dimension.
For those in entering cohorts, degree for program in entry term
for entering cohorts; college, department and major are in a hierarchy based on the student’s initial major (at 5-day of their entry term). For all cohort-based reports, use Cohort College (in Cohort Major dimension) or Cohort Latest College (in Cohort Latest Major dimension.
Number of students in the cohort who graduated before this term
Percentage of cohort (first-time freshmen or first-time transfers) who have graduated
For those in entering cohorts, indicator for full-time/part-time in entry term
Percentage of students in the cohort who graduated before this term
For those in entering cohorts, indicator for whether student lived on or off campus in entry term
For those in entering cohorts, indicator for whether students was Laptop Scholarship recipient
For entering cohorts; student’s latest major (graduation major if graduated, current major if still enrolled, or major when last enrolled) aligned with where the major is currently housed
For entering cohorts; college based on the student’s latest major (graduation major if graduated, current major if still enrolled, or major when last enrolled) aligned with where the major is currently housed
for entering cohorts; college, department and major are in a hierarchy based on the student’s initial major (at 5-day of their entry term). For all cohort-based reports, use Cohort College (in Cohort Major dimension) or Cohort Latest College (in Cohort Latest Major dimension.
For entering cohorts; college based on the student’s initial major (at 5‐day of their entry term) aligned with where the major is currently housed
For entering cohorts; department based on the student’s initial major (at 5‐day of their entry term) aligned with where the major is currently housed
For those in entering cohorts, indicator for whether student had a Pell award in entry term. Used on cohort success rate Pell/NonPell report
Percentage of students in the cohort who are still enrolled for this term
Start term (entry term) for entering cohorts (first-time freshmen or first-time transfers)
Percentage of students in the entering cohort who are still enrolled or have already graduated
for entering cohorts; based on status at 5-day of their entry term). For all cohort-based reports, use Cohort 21st Century Schoar Indicator.
Dual credit program that enables HS students to earn ISU college credit in courses taught by HS teachers at their local HS.
Percentage of students who have completed all application requirements that are admitted
Number of applicants who have completed all application requirements per the BANNER requirements checklist
Specialized fields of study pursued within particular majors
Number of degrees awarded
Number of admitted students who have confirmed their enrollment (excluding those who have cancelled their admission)
Indicates whether or not student has confirmed intention to enroll (excluding those who have cancelled their admission)
Internship indicators for those with internships entered in BANNER (currently only Americorp internships)
Country of current mailing address
County of origin based on the student's location as of initial admission to ISU
Identifies the subject and number of a given course (eg. ENG101)
Foundational Studies or Experiential Learning attributes associated with a course
College of the course
The percentage of students who attempted the course (see attempted class count above) that earned credit for the course
Department of the course
element of course number identifying upper division, lower division, graduate. Found in Course Dimension
Element of course number identifying separation of courses between undergraduate (<500) and graduate (>500)
Individual section (day/time/instructor/bldg/room) of the course
Identifies courses by subject, by number, by section
Number of credits enrolled
Credits earned for courses in which student received a passing grade
Number of credits for enrolled courses
Total Credits Earned - Credit Hour Cumulative Band grouping is No Credit hours, Under 30, 30-59, 60-89, 90-120, over 120
Credits enrolled for the term - Credit Hour Term Band groupins are 3 or Less, 4-7,8-11,12-15, 16-18, Over 18
The college and department that currently houses a particular major
Student is enrolled for the designated term as of this morning’s load from BANNER to the data warehouse