

G • H • I J • K

Legal sex (Male or Female)

Student-provided gender designation

Range in which falls a student’s GPA relative to a specific academic term

Grades with a prefix of X are those assigned to development math and do not count in GPA

Indicates whether a student has graduated or applied for graduation

Degree Honors: Honor conferred based on student’s degree GPA (summa cum laude, magna cum
laude, cum laude)

Other Honors: Honors College Graduate

Count of all faculty and graduate assistants with jobs in a given academic unit plus admins/others teaching in that department

Student’s GPA earned in high school

Student’s high school rank on a 100‐point scale

High school from which student graduated

Range in which falls student’s GPA upon high school graduation

Range in which falls student’s class rank upon high school graduation

Academic unit offering classes and experiences for high-achieving students

Course offerings with Course Subject = G H (General Honors)

Attribute of “Honors Student” indicates student is in the Honors College for the term in context

Indicates whether student was ever an Honors College participant

 Student has registration holds

 Indicates if any holds are in effect

On Off Campus indicator via Housing assignment hierarchy identifies students
living /not living in Residence Hall in specified term

Race/Ethnicity reporting categories (Non‐citizens reported as non‐resident aliens; all Hispanics reported as such; non‐hispanics identifying as more than one race reported as “Two or more races”; others reported by Race)

Interests per the student's application for admission

 International students are categorized as IPEDS Ethnicity = NonResident Alien (Not U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents)

Faculty FTE for Instructors


No entries.


Measures that track and assess progress

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