Ray Buechler
Linda Ferguson
Percentage of course attempts with grades of D or D-
Academic title conferred upon the completion of a course of study
Number of degrees and certificates awarded
Pursuing a degree or certificate program
Identifies whether or not the student is seeking a degree. If the degree code for the student’s program of study is ND, the student is set as not degree seeking.
Identifies the student’s progress toward obtaining a degree (SO, AP, AW, CP)
Number of degrees and certificates awarded
Total students denied admission
Academic unit, subset of college based on where the student’s major is currently housed
Presents the pattern of students enrolling in the department at entry into the University, moving into the department from another department, remaining in the department or moving out of the department. See Using the Department Migration Reports for additional information.
Remedial Math courses
Summary status - Indicates whether student was ever enrolled in remedial math; Developmental student indicator - Currently developmental math student; previously developmental math student; never developmental math student
Students enrolled in Distance Programs; beginning in Fall 2012 distance programs are identified per the student’s program of study. Found in the Program dimension – Distance Program Indicator.
Students enrolled in a distance program
Unduplicated count of students enrolled in one or more courses
Unduplicated count of students conferred one or more degrees
Unduplicated count of students meeting criteria
Number of course attempts with grades of D, D-, F, NP, U or W due to dropping the course (not withdrawing from the University)
Percentage of course attempts with grades of D, D-, F, NP, U or W due to dropping the course (not withdrawing from the University)
Grades of W due to dropping the course (not withdrawing from the University)
Percentage of course attempts with grades of W due to dropping the course (not withdrawing from the University)
Percentage of students who were registered for the course at start of term who subsequently dropped the course or withdrew from the university
Division of Student Affairs
Number of participations in Division of Student Affairs cocurricular activity
Used as the basis for calculating return rates; the number of distinct students enrolled for a given term, minus those who graduated before the next term
Percentage of students who enrolled, then withdrew from the University
Enrolled as of official (5‐day) snapshot
Students enrolled at another institution (not ISU)
Enrollment at start of term
Actual course enrollments
Total students enrolled
Total number of enrolled students
Indicates whether student enrolled in classes after accepting admission
Total enrollment
Registration comparatives are based on the start date from term (Day 0) and offsets from that date (before and after). The enrollment compare date provides the specific date associated with the Enrollment Compare Day
Registration comparatives are based on the start date from term (Day 0) and offsets from that date (before and after). Day -14 for example is two weeks before start of term.
See IPEDS Ethnicity
Percentage of course attempts with grades of F, U or NP
For Academic Department Dashboard page on Academic Chairs Dashboard, dimension with hierarchies for faculty job, effective date and position number
Date of data extract from BANNER for faculty analysis dimensions
Faculty FTE adjusted to exclude FTE reductions due to Chairperson responsibilities, approved grant buyouts, full‐year sabbaticals and approved Provost exceptions"
Faculty FTE for Full-time Lecturers
FTE exclusions for Buyouts
FTE exclusions for Chairperson responsibilities
FTE exclusions approved by the Provost
FTE exclusions for Sabbaticals
FTE per BANNER job records (1.0 for all full‐time faculty)
Faculty types (for faculty analysis) are Faculty (T-TT), Instructor (multi-year faculty) or Temp (1yr faculty and adjuncts)
Percentage of those enrolled at census for a given fall term minus those who graduated, who were enrolled the following fall
Full‐time student equivalency, derived from total credit hours enrolled (15 undergraduate hours = 1 FTE; 12 graduate hours = 1 FTE)
Survey that captures information regarding how new college graduates fare in their careers within six months of graduation
Neither parent has a four-year degree.
Note: When “dicing” or “adding” to a report First Generation is found under “Student”.
Status as a degree-seeking student at ISU: First Term Enrolled, Returning Student or Not Yet Enrolled (non-Degree)
Status in this College: First Term in College, Returning to College
Status as a degree-seeking student at this level: First Term Enrolled, Returning Student or Not Yet Enrolled (nonDegree)
In dept migration reports, categorizing the department’s students as new, returning to the dept or changing from the previous term
Status in this College: First Term in Major, Returning to Major
Status in this College: First Term in Minor, Returning to Minor
Status in this College: First Term in Program, Changed from Previous Term; Returning to Program
July 1 - June 30 (Summer, Fall, Spring terms)
Identifies courses with a foundational studies course attribute
First‐time, full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking cohort
First-time full-time bachelors degree seeking students
Full time/Part time: For undergraduates, 12 or more hours = full-time; For graduate students, 9 or more hours = full-time
Undergraduates are full-time with 12 or more enrolled hours; Graduate students are full-time with 9 or more enrolled hours