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No entries.

For course registrations, date course section was added

For course registrations, when course was added as an offset in weeks or days from start of term

For course registrations, date course section was dropped

For course registrations, when course was dropped as an offset in weeks or days from start of term

Student registration status for individual courses (audit, drop, withdrawal, etc)

Full-time/Part-time status

Student’s classification as InState/OutOfState based on residency classification for fee purposes

Number of students enrolled in a given term minus those who graduated who are enrolled for the next term (at the same level)

Number of students enrolled in a given term minus those who graduated prior to the next fall

Indicates whether the student Returned, Graduated or Did Not Return for the next Fall

Indicates whether or not a student enrolled in courses following a given term at the same level

Indicates whether the student Returned, Graduated or Did Not Return for the next Year

Reports that shows for the students enrolled for a given fall term, the percentage that returned the following fall (see specific measure definitions in Measures section below.

Classroom assignment for course

Highest SAT Math + SAT Verbal score; Use the Alternate SAT Band Grouping.

Highest New SAT Math + New SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score if new SAT scores were reported, else old SAT Math + SAT Verbal concorded to New SAT 1600 if old SAT scores were reported; if only ACT scores were reported, the ACT English and Math scores are concored to the SAT equivalent via the College Board Concordance. Use the Alternate SAT Equivalent Band Grouping.

Student Credit Hours (sum of credit hours for student's enrolled courses)

Student Credit Hours for a course is equal to the unit value of the course (course credit hours) multiplied by the number of students enrolled at Fall census (5‐day).

Schedule type for course sections (Lab, Lecture, Distance Education, Hybrid, etc)

Identifies the section number (see section scheme on last page)

Course section campus - Main or Extended Services

Course College

Each course section has a unique (for the term) 5-digit course reference number

Department of the course

Section status (active, cancelled, closed)

College Challenge, Distance, Off Campus, On Campus

Enrolled students as a percentage of class limit

Student/Faculty ratio: Student FTE/Faculty FTE Adjusted

Term the student first enrolled with a major in this college

Term the student first enrolled with a major in this department

Term the student first enrolled at ISU

Term the student first enrolled at this level - Undergrad/grad

Term the student first enrolled in this major

Term the student first enrolled in this minor

Term the student first enrolled in this program (College/Major/Degree) 

Course start time

State of origin based on the student's location as of initial admission to ISU

Full Time Equivalency based on total student credit hours (calculated for undergraduates as total credit hours/15 and for graduate students as total credit hours/12)

Undergraduate or graduate

New freshman, new transfer, new graduate, readmit, continuing, nondegree.

County/State/Nation of origin based on the student's location as of initial admission to ISU

Student's status (for enrolled students will be active or applied to graduate)

Subject prefix for courses

Percentage of students who have either graduated or are still enrolled

identifies whether the student’s program of study is a teaching program.  Found in the Major Dimension – Type of Admission Indicator

Fall, Spring, Summer 1, Summer 2 (beginning in 2015, we consolidated the summer session into one session so there is no Summer 2)

Categorized last term enrolled by Academic year by specific term

Can access via Faculty Count Row on Faculty SCH report in Academic Dept Dashboard. Tenure statuses are Tenured, Non-Tenured, Ineligible

Identifies the term as Fall, Spring, or Summer

See: Avg Years to Graduation

Faculty FTE for Tenure/Tenure Track faculty

for success rates; unconditional vs conditional admission.  Found in the Major Dimension – Type of Admission Indicator

300-400 level courses

Current snapshot is data from BANNER as of this morning; Census is per the Official Reports (5‐day); End of Term is per the End of term snapshot taken as soon as final grades are processed.  Other versions (for admissions snapshots) are specified by date.

Percentage of students ever registered for the course who withdrew from the university

Students who registered, then withdrew from the University

Withdrawal reason (for students who withdrew that term from the university)

Number of students who enrolled, then withdrew

No entries.

Years since cohort start term

Years since start term

Country, state, county and zip of current mailing address

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