Academic Chairs Dashboard

Academic Chairs Dashboard

Academic Chairs Dashboard

Key Metrics

  • Enrollment  
    • Graph of enrollment by college and level; undergraduate and graduate enrollment counts by college and department for current registration term and terms in the last year (enrollment as of end of previous day)
  • Enrollment by Origin
    • Enrollment by Nation, State and County of Origin (can select current or census enrollment)
  • Degrees
    • Summary degree metrics by degree level; degree metrics for graduates with honors
  • Minors & Concentrations
    • Current undergraduate enrollment by minor college, department and minor; Current undergraduate enrollment by college, department, major and concentration
  • Courses
    • Summary course metrics by subject (can select current, census or end of term version); Link to Course Registration Detail that provides more detail by course as well as click‐through access to class rosters and individual student summary data
  • Grades
    • Grade distribution by subject
  • DFDr Rates
    • Counts and percentages of D, F and Dr grades by subject (can expand to course and section)
  • End of Term Performance
    • Average end of term GPA and credits by college and department; academic standing by college and department
  • Course Completion Ratios
    • Undergraduate course enrollments (excludes withdrawals and drops with no grade) and percentage of those earning credit for the course by College and Department for lower division and upper division courses with a separate report for Developmental Math courses (for Fall/Spring combined)
  • Enrollment and Degrees
    • Fall census enrollment trend by college and department; degrees awarded for last four academic years by college and department
  • Admissions
    • Graph of admissions metrics for last four fall or spring terms; admissions yield (% of admits enrolled) by college and department
  • Fall to Fall Return Rates
    • Fall to Fall Return rates by classification, college and department for last three years (Retention % is the percentage of those students enrolled for the Fall indicated minus those who graduated prior to the next fall, who enrolled the next fall)
  • Course Metrics
    • Course metrics summary; Course credit hour totals by subject for last four Fall or Spring terms
  • Minors
    • Trends for census undergraduate enrollment and degree awards by minor college, department and minor
  • Concentrations
    • Trends for census undergraduate enrollment and degree awards by college, department, major and concentration
  • Enr and Degrees - All Certificates
    • Trends for census enrollment in certificate programs; certficates awards by certificate level, college, department and major

Point‐in‐time Comparatives

  • Graduate Admissions
    • Graduate admissions metrics for current date compared to one year ago by college and department; Yield report by college and department for % of Applicants Admitted and % of Admits Enrolled
  • Undergraduate Admissions
    • Undergraduate admissions metrics by college as of current date compared to one year ago and two years ago
  • Registration Comparative
    • Graph and grid of registration activity compared to previous three years for Day 0 (term start date) through Day 7, each day for two weeks before term start date (Day ‐14 through Day ‐1) and weekly prior to that
  • Course Registration Comparative
    • Graph and grid of course registration activity compared to previous three years for Day 0 (term start date) through Day 7, each day for two weeks before term start date (Day ‐14 through Day ‐1) and weekly prior to that

Retention and Graduation

  • 1‐Year Retention Rates
    • 1‐yr retention rates for the last five cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen or new transfers by original college and department (based on major at census of entry term) and by latest college and department (based on latest major – major at graduation if graduated, current major if still enrolled or major when student was last enrolled)
  • 4‐Year Graduation Rates
    • 4‐yr graduation rates for the last five cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen or new transfers by original college and department (based on major at census of entry term) and by latest college and department (based on latest major – major at graduation if graduated, current major if still enrolled or major when student was last enrolled)
  • 6‐Year Graduation Rates
    • 6‐yr graduation rates for the last five cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen or new transfers by original college and department (based on major at census of entry term) and by latest college and department (based on latest major – major at graduation if graduated, current major if still enrolled or major when student was last enrolled)
  • Cohort Retention & Graduation
    • Retention and graduation counts and rates for each fall and spring term for the last ten New Freshmen and New Transfer Fall cohorts; separate reports for Full‐time Bachelor’s degree seeking cohort (FTBDS) and All students in the cohort.  Retention counts and rates are updated as registration occurs and then freezes at census. Graduation counts and rates are updated as degrees are posted.
  • Dept Migration
    • Presents the pattern of students enrolling in the department at entry into the University, moving into the department from another department, remaining in the department or moving out of the department.  See Using the Department Migration Reports for additional information.

Department Summary

  • Faculty SCH, % Successful SCH and S/F Ratio
    • Student credit hours, faculty FTE and Student/Faculty ratios for the department’s faculty (see definitions on dashboard page)
  • Retention and Graduation – Original Department
    • 1‐year retention rates by original department for the last 6 cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen.
    • 4‐yr graduation rates for the last six cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen by original department.
    • 6‐yr graduation rates for the last six cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen by original department.
  • Retention and Graduation – Latest Department
    • 1‐year retention rates by latest department for the last 6 cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen.
    • 4‐yr graduation rates for the last six cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen by latest department.
    • 6‐yr graduation rates for the last six cohorts of full‐time bachelor’s degree seeking new freshmen by latest department.
  • Student Metrics
    • Number of Majors Enrolled –Students enrolled at census (includes first majors, second majors, third majors, etc)
    • Number of New Students – Enrolled at census and based on student type (New freshmen = student type F; New transfers= student type T; New graduates=student type G)
    • Admit to Enroll Yields
    • Degrees Awarded (includes degrees and certificates)
    • Undergraduate Degree Seekers Fall‐to‐Fall Return Rates

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